HIV is not currently a dominant epidemic in Pakistan. However, the number of cases is growing. Moderately high drug use and lack of acceptance that non-marital sex is common in the society have allowed the AIDS epidemic to take hold in Pakistan, mainly among injection drug users, some male sex workers and repatriated migrant workers. AIDS may yet become a major health issue. The National AIDS Control Programme’s latest figures show that over 4,000 HIV cases have so far been reported since 1986, but UN and government estimates put the number of HIV/AIDS cases around 97,000 (range 46,000 to 210,000)[3]. More realistic estimates that are based on actual surveillance figures, however, suggest that this number may be closer to 40,000 - 45,000. The over all prevalence of HIV infection in adults aged 15 to 49 is 0.1%[4] (and Shah et al under review) (0.05% if one accepts the lower estimates).
The national response to HIV started focusing on Most At Risk Groups in 2004 and so far included 9 cities where injection drug users and sex workers receive prevention and harm reduction services and 12 HIV care centers where nearly 1000 patients receive antiretroviral drugs.